Monday, February 25, 2013

"What about the satellites in space? Is there snow in outer space?"

Many of you might have been subject to my ranting about how the phones etc haven't been working because of the sun.  I know it sounds like I'm making it up, but I swear I'm not and as proof this is part of an email I received today:

"We are at that time of year again!

During the noon hour there may be a loss of satellite service caused by the angle of the sun interfering with the satellite signals.
This only lasts a for a few weeks but it may effect phones, tv, internet, e-live and audio conference courses."

Just another normal day.  Of course there is other things that affect satellite reception.  Calling Hooper Bay or anywhere long distance gets a little dodgy if either one of us is experiencing 60 mph gusts of wind.

(The quote in the title is from "Groundhog Day" when an operator explains to Bill Murray's character that long distance phone calls can't go through because of the snow storm.)

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