Monday, September 16, 2013

Free Book Shelf Find

Since I've decided That I need to learn how to cook, I've been looking at recipe books and cooking shows and the like. I guess the Universe was paying attention and at the free book shelf in the Cultural Center I found about 50 gourmet cooking magazines. I only took a couple and tire out the pages I want.... I'm going to make a binder of recipes I like.

Lynx had a good time looking over the magazines too.

I found a few salmon ones, some things to do with potatoes (since I'll be able to harvest my potatoes soon), but the ones I'm most excited for are how to make popovers and Spanish omelets!  I already know how to make Spanish omelets and haven't eaten one in ages, but every time I've made them before they come out in a huge mess. So here's hoping that
Lynx and I will be able to handle it!

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