Tuesday, November 20, 2012

BSAR River Report

Bethel Search and Rescue (BSAR) gives updated information about local conditions, especially regarding the ice since that's a major way that people travel around here.

Here are ice thickness measurements taken at a few key spots
on November 18. All measurements were taken by chainsaw
with a 16” marked bar.
Kuskokuak Slough outside the mouth of the Kwethluk River: 14”
Kwethluk/Akiachak Y: No Bottom (didn’t hit water w/ 16” bar)
Upper End of Church Slough: 11”
Lower End of Church Slough: 14”
Lower End of Straight Slough: No Bottom
Straight Slough is very rough & there is a small OPEN HOLE midchannel
near the Upper End
Bethel – out in front of Brown Slough: No Bottom
Bethel – in front of Joe Lomack: No Bottom
Bethel – mid channel near Crowley: No Bottom

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