Thursday, November 1, 2012

Alright, alright, I'll post something!

There have been multiple complaints about me not informing everyone of the very exciting things in my life.  So this is a snapshot of what my day is going to consist of (while I am currently on hold with someone in Fairbanks):

Today my task is to get a grant-writing class prepped and ready to run in December.  This involves:

-Getting a schedule established with the adjunct professor we are hiring who currently lives in Anchorage
-Making sure that schedule works with the target participants in Hooper Bay, Chevak and Scammon Bay
-Coordinating to find a space to hold the class
-Trying to get the adjunct professor approved which means she has to submit a resume and syllabus
-Getting a sample syllabus from the rural development department in Fairbanks
-Sending pre-registration forms to Hooper Bay, Chevak and Scammon Bay for participants to sign up with their contact information and interest/needs/experience for/with grant writing

And just in case you wanted to know exactly what course it was...:

RD F250 Grant Writing for Community Development
1-3 Credits Offered as Demand Warrants
Basic elements of grant proposals and processes of preparing proposals for governmental and private funding sources.  Emphasis on applied skills through preparation of actual grant proposals.  Graded Pass/Fail.
Prerequisite:  ENGL F111X or Permission of Instructor

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