Friday, November 16, 2012

Seal Meat

Mike the Librarian shared some of the dried seal meat he got from his grandmother-in-law with me.  It was very rich and oily (good for keeping you warm), with a fishy after taste.  It was pretty good, but I couldn't eat a lot of it because it was so rich.

In other news, here's the weather for today:

1 comment:

  1. Hi Megan:

    We hope you're wearing layers and your coat, fleece and gloves from The North Face along with your wool hat and socks. Do you need a scarf or something to cover up your face?

    Expect a package on Wednesday with your slip-on ice/snow grabbers which should help you walking on ice and some other surprises we sent too. No room for mac & cheese though. :(

    Just think in a little over two months, you'll be in Key Largo! Keep those warm thoughts. Miss you. Hope you get to eat turkey on Thanksgiving.

    Love, Mom & Dad
