Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Bogus 150

Casie, the musher I help, ran the Bogus 150 this year.  It's a 150 mile dog race up to Bogus Creek and then back to Bethel.

Me and a couple of other people helped her load up all the dogs, and then got them harnessed, bootied and coated when we got down to the start line.  Then we had to help bring the team to the start line.  Here's a video that KYUK did of the Bogus start:  http://kyuk.org/bogus-150-start-video/

 Teams getting ready for the Bogus 150

 Precious and the sled (and Trick and Oakley behind her)

Putting booties on the dogs

I'm on the right running the leaders up to the start line.  I was wearing two down coats!  It was around -35 with the windchill.  Kaiser Racing Kennel took this picture.

Casie talking to the press after she finished!

And lastly Casie receiving her award at the awards ceremony and musher's banquest last night:

Good job Casie and dogs!!

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