Tuesday, January 15, 2013

YK Delta Vocab Word: So _______

"So _____" is used to comment on something or give a compliment.  The "blank" is an adjective (or something perceived to be an adjective), and can be filled with words like:

- expert (it means that you are really good at something or look like you know what you are doing)
-cheap (used by students to comment on something they don't like)
-mischief ("mischief" refers to anything deviant and can range from kids just acting like stupid kids to kids lighting things on fire.  It can also be used to describe a "fun weekend"/partying)
etc etc

"So ______" is either used by itself or as the beginning of an inverted sentence.  Example:  "So expert!" or "So expert you are!".

Sometimes the adjectives are made into superlatives.  Example:  "So cutest!"

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