Monday, January 7, 2013

I've been working on blog posts for a while that are still drafts about what I've been doing for the past few weeks.  I've been on a quasi- break from my position because of the holidays and the university being closed.  Christmas and New Year's were good and I will post more about them soon.  The Holiday Classic dog sled race was on the 29th so I got to see that and drove up the river to follow the race.  I went on my first dog run and fell completely in love with mushing.  I just got my Carhartt bibs in the mail today so that was pretty exciting.  A lot of the JV's went home for the holidays, so just a couple of us were here for the whole break and it has also resulted in lots of trips to the airport.

My next trip is to Hooper Bay this weekend.  I joked and told someone that I should just buy a vacation home there.  I might be going in February and then in March but I'm not sure yet.  I was going to go just because I had bid on a cheap round trip village ticket on Era and hang out with all of my Hooper Bay friends, but I think there's going to be some working and networking with more people involved when I go there.

The week after that is going to be really crazy because it's when the K300 race and activities all start.  A lot of them are being hosted in the Cultural Center (concert on Wednesday, Fiddle Dances Friday and Saturday, Saturday Market on Saturday, banquet on Monday), and then there are 3 races on the weekend (Kuskokwim 300, Bogus Creek 150 and the Akiak Dash).

Monday the 21st could also turn into a crazy day because it's Martin Luther King Jr. Day and us VISTAs are encouraged to do a special service project on that day.  Not sure what mine will be yet but I'm sure I'll figure something out.

...and THEN I leave on the 23rd to start my trip back to the east coast!!!!

I have so much that I want to write here and in my journal about but by the time I get back I'm exhausted.  I think I'm going to have to start doing audio recordings or something so I can write it down later.

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