Saturday, August 4, 2012

Out on the Boardwalk

This evening Ms. Ruffian and I decided to go for a walk down a road that we haven't gone down before.  I think it was through "housing", the public housing area.  There were lots of friendly people hanging out outside, especially kids.  They all wanted to pet Ruffian. One boy said that he liked her because she looks like a wolf.  The adults wanted to know where I was from, and how come I was wearing a Chicago sweatshirt if I wasn't from there? (more on that later).

Along the way we passed a house that was either (probably) smoking fish (salmon), or had a sauna. 

Just a little bit down the road we came across a new series of boardwalks that I didn't even know existed.  It was very exciting.  These boardwalks seem to stretch all over the tundra and connect different sections of town.

Someone riding their bike on another boardwalk

And we saw a rainbow peaking can't really see it but it's to the right of the blue building

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