Monday, October 1, 2012

A brief Interruption from my Vacation blogging....

Hello VISTAs:
We wanted to post a reminder regarding the Hatch Act during this campaign season as well as your overall online presence:
· Watch what you “say” online – while it is great to use social media tools - blogs, Facebook, Twitter, etc. – to achieve the goals of your assignment as a VISTA, keep in mind you need to have a professional online presence
· Be tasteful and appropriate  – remember you are representing VISTA
· During this campaign season, it is critical that you follow the rules of the Hatch Act
· If you are not identified as a VISTA and are not on an AmeriCorps affiliated site, then you are free to fully express yourselves
For a refresher on the key rules of the Hatch Act, please see below and follow this link,


AmeriCorps VISTA members, as well as AmeriCorps VISTA programs and projects, are subject to certain restrictions related to their engagement in political activities. Such political activities are classified as either: (1) engaging in electoral activities; (2) engaging in lobbying; or (3) participating in demonstrations.

Engaging in Electoral Activities

AmeriCorps VISTA members may participate in electoral activities to the extent the activities are allowed under a federal law called the Hatch Act, 5 U.S.C. Chapter 73. The Hatch Act defines the rules and restrictions on political activities in which federal workers may engage. The Domestic Volunteer Service Act, at 42 U.S.C. § 5055, applies the Hatch Act to AmeriCorps VISTA members during their service.
Under the Hatch Act, during off duty service time, AmeriCorps VISTA members may engage in certain political activities, as follows:
  • May be candidates for public office in nonpartisan elections
  • May register and vote as they choose
  • May assist in voter registration drives
  • May express opinions about candidates and issues
  • May contribute money to political organizations
  • May attend political fundraising functions
  • May attend and be active at political rallies and meetings
  • May join and be an active member of a political party or club
  • May sign nominating petitions
  • May campaign for or against referendum questions, constitutional amendments, municipal ordinances
  • May campaign for or against candidates in partisan elections
  • May make campaign speeches for candidates in partisan elections
  • May distribute campaign literature in partisan elections
  • May hold office in political clubs or parties, including serving as a delegate to a convention
Under the Hatch Act, AmeriCorps VISTA members are prohibited from engaging in the following activities at all times during service, including off duty service time:
  • May not use their official authority or influence, as an AmeriCorps VISTA member, to influence an election
  • May not knowingly solicit or discourage the political activity of any individual or organization that has business before the Corporation for National and Community Service or the AmeriCorps VISTA program (e.g., an AmeriCorps VISTA sponsoring organization or project)
  • May not engage in political activity while in service time as an AmeriCorps VISTA member (e.g., while on duty as an AmeriCorps VISTA member at a sponsoring organization or project)
  • May not engage in political activity while in any office of the AmeriCorps VISTA program (e.g., while at the sponsoring organization or the project)
  • May not engage in political activity while using a vehicle owned or leased by the AmeriCorps VISTA sponsoring organization or project
  • May not be a candidate for public office in a partisan election
  • May not wear political buttons while in service time as an AmeriCorps VISTA member (e.g., while on duty as an AmeriCorps VISTA member at a sponsoring organization or project)
  • May not engage in political activity while wearing an article of clothing, badge, insignia, or other similar item that identifies the Corporation or the AmeriCorps VISTA program

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