Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Hello from Aniak!

Reyne and I landed in Aniak yesterday evening.  I have never been happier to get off of a plane.  There was nothing but turbulence and air pockets because of rain storms, so the plane was moving back and forth and up and down and all around the entire time. 

The planes keep on getting smaller!  This is our pilot walking to the plane.  It had 7 seats- one for each person (and someone younger than 2 that was held!) Guess who got/had to sit in the copilot/right seat?  Me!  I didn't take any pictures because I was too afraid to move and then I felt so sick that I was afraid to look at anything. 

First we landed in Kalskag.  I didn't get any pictures because I was trying to get undizzy and went for a little walk around the runway (you can do things like that on bush landing strips).  When we got back up in the air (for the 15 minute flight to Aniak) I tried to take some pictures.  These are of Kalskag (don't they have such a nice sewage lagoon?):

I was so happy to land in Aniak! 

We went for a tour and looked out on the river from a friend's house:


We had a delicious moose-roast dinner at someone who had lived in Bethel's house and stayed up playing (my first game!) of cribbage.

Today we're on the People to be Heard list at the Tribal Council meeting and then talking to some people at city hall.

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