Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Katrina's Adventure

Katrina is a big deal, and she knows it.  She's one of the top dogs on the team, has run in big races multiple times, and her father is probably the most famous dog in Alaska right now.  She looks kind of cat-like and reminds me of the cat from Looney Tunes (but instead of "meow" it's le woof, le sigh, le woof).   She's a top athlete but acts very dainty when she comes back in from a run.  Because of all of this, one of her nicknames is Fancy (because of recent events outlined below she also has a new nickname that begins with a B).  One time she took my camera out of my pocket and carried it into her house.  Casie said that she's never seen her play with toys or with anything before, but it made sense that "Fancy" would play with high priced items.

When Casie and I went to go feed the dogs on Sunday night, Casie noticed that Katrina was not there.  She had somehow un-clipped herself from her chain and ran off.  We went out looking for her and calling her but we couldn't find her.  We as in about 5 people.  At 3:30 AM Casie heard the rest of the dogs barking and staring at the bushes, and Ms. Katrina was later found under the house.

We had checked under the house multiple times to see if she was hiding under there somewhere (people don't really have basements here because of the permafrost, you can walk/crawl under most people's houses), so we think that she ran off and then came back and crawled underneath the house.

I tried to do an interview with her to see where she went off to:

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