Sunday, October 7, 2012

Moose in Bethel

Today Nora and I decided to go to the "Q2" to get soft serve ice cream (I've been in an ice cream mood so I got two).  While we were there a man came up to us and told us that there was a moose behind the Post Office and power plant in one of the ponds, so Nora and I decided to go and check it out.  In our excitement I left my scarf behind, and the man was nice enough to come and drop it off at our moose viewing location!

There were a bunch of people stopping by in their cars and looking at the moose.  He was kind of far away and I didn't get very good pictures of him.  He was standing in  one of the ponds, I'm not sure if he was stuck or not.  Someone else said that they had seen him running around Blueberry subdivision.

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