Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Berry Picking and Slides

On my way home from work I decided to stop by the Girl Scout camp because I had told them earlier this week that I'd like to help them out.  I also figured it'd help me get to know more kids (and their parents) in the community.  We ended up going blueberry picking out on the tundra.

I had met one of the moms and her daughter earlier in the week when one of my supervisors was bringing me around town to meet people.  She asked me what I was doing, and when I said nothing really she invited me to go to dinner over her house (and to go running, which I tried to decline as politely as I could.  I don't run on roads, on tracks, on treadmills, on the beach, or on the tundra.  At least I'm consistent?). 

The Klejka family is very nice.  Beyond nice.  They are also a dog mushing family, and two of their (7) kids have WON the Junior Iditorod.  We got pizza, and afterwards Father Chuck and Father Juan Pablo came over to do some house visits.

This is how I left their house:

They have two slides coming off of their deck.  Coolest family ever.

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