Thursday, July 19, 2012

PSO Day 3

Today we finished up our discussions on poverty and went over our VISTA Assignment Descriptions, which basically outline what your position and goals are.  Our "breakout" group has gotten pretty close over the past couple of days, and I think we all enjoyed talking to one another about our projects and giving each other ideas. 

Since people are always asking me what I am going to be doing, here are some excerpts from my "VAD": 
  • Create a public outreach program and make presentations at local village/tribal council meetings
  • Establish public markets in two villages
  • Create a website
  • Collect data from public market participants/vendors

Today was also our last day in our breakout groups.  Tomorrow we will be taking one of three capacity building workshops (based on what you are doing in your project), have the swearing in ceremony, and then be off to our sites.  My flight leaves for Seattle at 7:40PM tomorrow (Friday), and then two more flights early Saturday morning and I'll be in Bethel!

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