Thursday, August 30, 2012

General update on my life...

Sorry I haven't posted blog updates in a few days...I just went through a marathon of trying to upload pictures and write a few lines.  I've been busy with Bethel stuff, work, other events, meeting people etc.

I've been discussing a few travel arrangements.  It looks like I'll be traveling to Hooper Bay soon for my position in a couple of weeks.  I had talked with one of the guys I went to Kwethluk with about going up again this week or soon.  Alaska Airlines had cheap tickets (which I ended up switching to get even a BETTER deal) so I'll be going into town the end of September and hopefully doing some hiking and sight seeing as well as picking up supplies, eating McDonalds and maybe going to see a movie.

I got an iPhone if you have an iPhone or iPad or iSomething feel free to "facetime me".  I also have unlimited texting.  I don't have a lot of minutes so I'm trying to limit my calls during the week (free nights and weekends).  I have a completely different phone number, so either ask my parents or myself for it.

The Bethel Fair is over.  It was good and pretty intense for a short period of time.  Lots of setting up, breaking down and things going in and around the cultural center.  Emma Hill, from upriver in Sleetmute (pop...100?) had a fundraiser concert, and all the proceeds went to the YK Delta Lifesaver Fund.  Bethel doesn't have a pool, and a few decades ago after a lot of people drowned, there was a grassroots effort to build a swimming pool here so people could learn how to swim.  The Lifesaver Fund is being put towards providing FREE swimming lessons to kids in Bethel and in the YK Delta (again, which is roughly the size of Oregon).  You can donate here.

I'm planning on doing a food drive for the food pantry here during Make a Difference day in October.  The food pantry here isn't open every month , and even so last year it couldn't open for two other months because they didn't have any food.

Work-wise I've been trying to network to the places I'm going to be traveling to, reading and re-reading the grant that I'm working under, and doing computer stuff like trying to develop an interesting presentation, figuring out a way to have a community calendar of events for Bethel and the greater YK Delta online, and making a website for artisans in the area to sell their goods or for entrepreneurs to advertise.

Oh, and I also finally moved into the dorm, so hopefully I'll have pictures soon of it all decorated.

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