Wednesday, August 1, 2012

I can see tundra from my house!

A boring night ended up being very fun.  Someone comes and takes the big dog, Ruffian, out with his dog so they can run around and play on the tundra.  I had asked to go with him when he brought her back one day, but the last time I saw him I was in the middle of gutting my fish.

So today I saw him and decided to go.

We drove to this remote place on B.I.A. (Bureau of Indian Affairs) Road.  The ride in was like one of those safari rides you go on at a theme park.  We were going up steep hills on dirt roads and going through puddles and over bumps.  It was awesome.  I couldn't help but laugh.  We parked the truck and let the dogs run free:

And I saw blue sky for the first time in what felt like forever.  It was so nice.

Then we decided to walk to an old B.I.A. post/school that has been abandoned for a while now.  The buildings have been vandalized and one was set on fire by some kids, but they all seemed to be fairly structurally sound, so naturally we went in them.

The views were incredible.  Who needs to see Russia when you have this?  Nothing but tundra for miles.

We walked back and stopped to collect/eat blueberries on a hill that had a sole pine tree on top of it.  There were a lot and I had already filled a pocket of my fleece, so I took it off and folded and tied it to make a makeshift basket.  They are the best tasting blueberries I've ever had.

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