Monday, August 20, 2012

Saturday was so windy that sometimes I would be walking and it felt like I was on a treadmill because I couldn't get further forward.  I walked to the Tundra Women's Coalition thrift store because they were having a $2 sale (everything you could fit in a grocery bag for $2).  I bought a belt (to be used as a strap on the bag I made), 2 pairs of non muddy shoes that I can either dress up with or wear to ballroom dancing class, a hat (until I can buy a fur one) and a Chicago mug.  Reyne and I watched the Hunger Games which was interesting.  I'm glad I FINALLY got to see it.  Now to read the books!  Good thing I brought my Nook...the estimated wait time for the book in our library is 76 days.

Sunday I went to church and was late, but luckily I figured out why:  Mass starts at 10:00 am, not 10:30.  The Jesuit Volunteers were introduced and everyone blessed them and then all the kids who were going off to college.

I would say that about every other week someone is blessed for something.  A couple of weeks ago we said a blessing for a family that was moving.

Not surprisingly, the sang the Lord's Prayer again in Yup'ik, and I still couldn't follow along.  Luckily I found this video on Youtube, which I'm going to watch over and over and over this week.  Check out how long some of the words are!

After church we had a pancake breakfast for the JV's, and a birthday cake for one of the former JV's.  If the guy serving pancakes looks familiar to you, it's because he was in the Taco Bell commercial.

After that I went over someone's house, and then over to their friend's house.  We played RummeyKub (my score was over 400...yikes!), I got attacked my hair done by 5-6 year old girls, and ate authentic Mexican food (as I had managed to find and befriend the majority of the 2% Latino/Hispanic population of Bethel in one day)

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