Thursday, August 16, 2012

I've been busy and running all over the place the past few days and have been too tired to update my Kwethluk post or write any new entries.

Yesterday I went to the farmer's market at Meyer's Farm.   Meyer's Farm is a cutting edge organic farm in the Alaskan Bush.  A lot of people (at least most of the people I hang out with) stop by their markets on Wednesdays or Saturdays to buy locally grown produce, or things like breads and Greek yogurt.

Farming out here in tundra land is a pretty new concept, but it's been taking off.  The reason why I went to Kwethluk was to look at a USDA grant program that was seeing how crops would grow in a reclaimed area that was once the landing strip for the airport.  If "the feds" like it, more grant money could come in for bigger farms.  In Bethel, people grow food crops in containers or in beds around their houses.  Up here we have some of the best soil in the country.

The Alaska Municipal League is now over.  It was really interesting to see all the different places that people were from.  Barrow, Kotzebue, Juneau, Kenai, Bristol Bay, Cordova.  Someone (probably from Juneau) brought "vote yes on 2" signs and pins to the meeting for people to take with them.  We've been inundated with commercials here about the proposition 2, mostly from the "vote no" people.  I'm not really supposed to comment on politics, but I'll just say that the "vote no" people's top 3 contributors are the Alaskan Miner's Association, ConocoPhillips, and Shell.  The "yes" people are The North Slope Borough (Barrow), the Bristol Bay Native Corporation, and the Alaska Conference of Mayors.

I played frisbee with one of the JV's and some of the former JV's who stayed in the area and friends.  It was good to get out and run around for over an hour.  One of the guys was trying to teach us how to throw the frisbee, but I found a puppy and decided to play with her instead.

Today I went to a musher's house and might get to help her take care of her dogs and run the team in the winter!  I'm so excited.

I also cleaned my desk and spruced it up.  I put peacock wrapping paper that my mom used in a package to line the bulletin board, and then I covered a plastic container with some of the extra paper to make a little pencil/pen/highlighter holder.

I also took a used priority flat rate envelope and cut some of it so I could have a place to put files right in front of me.  I turned a box on it's side to make shelves, and the yellow magazines in them are nothing else but National Geographics that someone dropped off at the "free" shelf outside the library.  I'm going to give some to a teacher who uses old magazines in her class, but I think I'm going to take a couple of them and cut the pictures out to decorate my room.

After I took this picture I got a package from my grandparents with a wooden vase and silk sunflowers in it, so now those are on my desk too!

Since I was in a rare organizing mood, I decided to re-organize my backpack and my "just in case" stash.

A brush, bug dope with extra deet, an umbrella, a Nature Valley granola bar (for both the nutrition and to take a picture to submit to their picture of the week contest), a toothbrush, an emergency blanket (one of those foily kinds), a first aid kit, binoculars, tea (also hot chocolate),matches,  lip balm and.....jiffy pop (also from G&G).  Because you just never know.

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