Thursday, August 23, 2012

Today I've been busy getting ready for the Bethel Fair, which officially starts tomorrow.  I spent a good part of the day putting flyers up on the bulletin boards around town and helping to put schedules on people's cars.  A lot of people have broken windshields here, and I was really nervous that one of them would just completely shatter if I touched it the wrong way.

We also did judging tonight on everyone's entries.  They had an edible foods category, and guess which one I judged?


Smoked salmon, jarred salmon, salmon strips, red salmon, king salmon...

For the next week I'm house sitting and taking car of a sled dog team, two chickens, and I get to drive one of their pick up trucks.  Their house is in the new subdivision by the airport, and the back of it looks right out on the tundra.

Here is part of the dog team:

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