Thursday, October 4, 2012

Eklutna Lake

The drive from the highway to the lake is about 10 miles through the Chugach mountains.  The lake was formed by a glacier, which has receded to one end of the lake.

Here is a picture of where the lake is located (in the center of the map):

I hiked halfway up the Twin Peaks trail which was pretty steep, and walked around a little bit of the Lakeside Trail.  The Lakeside trail is 13 miles one way!  The water was gorgeous and tasted really good.  It was nice just to get away by myself for a little while.


  1. Did you do any panning for gold by the stream?

  2. No I didn't but lots of people do! They have places for tourists but they had all closed a couple of weeks before I got there- all over the area!
