Sunday, August 5, 2012

Sunday Bike Ride

Today I rode my bike to church.  It has finally stopped raining here so it was a nice ride, minimal puddles!

 Again, the "prayers of the faithful" were based a lot around the subsistance hunting/fishing/gathering culture of the area.  Father Chuck prayed for the berry pickers, people who were going out fishing, and that we would have ample birds coming in for the fall hunt.

After Mass I went to Swanson's to go grocery shopping.  I bought some regular groceries and some "akutaq", or Eskimo Ice Cream.  Akutaq is made with whipped seal fat or crisco (some kind of lard), berries, and sugar.  It tastes just how you'd imagine it would.  Like berry and sugar flavored crisco.

The church and Swanson's are right by the river, and I decided to look at all the barges and shipping containers.  Since there are no roads into Bethel, a lot of things come via barge on the Kuskokwim River.

I kept on riding along and tried to find Hangar Lake.  Hangar Lake is where a lot of sea or float planes are parked.  No luck, but some of the things I did see:

1 comment:

  1. Kind of brings up that Maine cliche.... you can't get there from here...
    U.M. Yes P.T., U.M. is who you think it is. Woof!
