Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Back from Hooper Bay!

Well I survived two small prop plane rides (I actually think I prefer them to jets) and had a GREAT time in Hooper Bay.  Today we went around to a series of formal and informal meetings with different people and agencies in the village.

Everyone was extremely nice.  We got rides from complete strangers and people went out of their ways to help us out.  One of my highlights were the four kids who ran up and hugged us as we were walking past their house!

I'll try to write a longer post tomorrow about my trip, but for now here's a brief list of things that I did on the trip:

  • Rode on my first prop plane!

  • Saw the YK Delta from the air! (Didn't see any part of Alaska when I flew to Bethel in July because it was too cloudy)

  • Rode a four-wheeler
  • Waded in the Bering Sea

  • Saw a dead whale
  •  and used a honeybucket

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