Monday, September 17, 2012

First Dog Sled Ride

Today I went for my first sled dog ride!  On our way we picked up the rest of the new dogs from Kaiser's Racing Kennel with some more houses.

We took a 12 dog team out.  I sat in the sled.  It was almost a complete disaster, but we didn't lose the team which is always a good thing!  The dogs did pretty well considering that with me in the sled they were almost pulling another 200 pounds.

We started in a new spot, and the dogs got a little confused and got tangled up.  One of the new dogs got so tangled in his harness that at first I thought that we were going to have to cut it off or he was going to break his leg.  Then, when I was walking him to Casie to see if she could figure his harness out (because meanwhile the line was caught underneath the platform and it could have snapped), HE SLIPPED OUT and I ended up falling down in the mud trying to catch him and essentially ended up wrestling him.  It was crazy.  I ended up getting COMPLETELY soaked, but all is good :)

Here are some pictures from the ride:

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