Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Moose Season

Season's Greetings!  It's moose season up here.  Moose season is a BIG DEAL.  School is cancelled for the week, and at least 1 in 5 people I know have gone or are going moose hunting soon.  "Getting a moose" results in a LOT of meat- enough to feed family and friends for a while.  Moose on the (relatively) smaller size (small and moose are almost antonyms) have about 500 lbs. of meat on them. 

Some of the JV's go out moose hunting with a teen group.  The teen's take target practice and learn how to shoot game.  One group got a goose, the other group...got a seagull :). 

Moose hunting involves getting in a boat, going to a certain area, and then tracking a moose by looking for hoof prints etc.  Then, if you're lucky enough to get a moose, you have to cut it all up and transport it back (which is probably part of the reason why moose hunting seems to be a group/family activity), and then figure out what you are doing with the meat. 

People have asked me if I used to go moose hunting back home- I said no, we don't even have moose!

1 comment:

  1. I had a Small Moose in my yard a few years ago...was told them come down the Meta-Comet trail from Vermont...
