Sunday, September 23, 2012

Volunteer Potluck

On Thursday Reyne, myself and Joli (a professor emeritus and former VISTA) hosted a potluck at the Cultural Center for all the past and present VISTAs, Jesuit Volunteers, Peace Corps members, etc.  Since a good number of VISTA and JV's who come to western Alaska stay here, we thought it would be good if my VISTA leader got to see and meet them and hear their stories.  There was a pretty good turnout out, about 25 people showed up (one of which was a random consultant for LYSD who I ran into on the street.  She got stranded due to plane cancellations).  Cassie (my VISTA leader) and I were the current VISTAs, and there were 4 VISTA alums!

KYUK even came and did a story on it!  I'm not in the radio story since I don't like talking to "the press" (and say what?).

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