Sunday, September 30, 2012


In Wasilla we found a drive-through soft serve place, so we had to stop so we could all get ice cream.

There was a little snafu in our plan to go to Independence Mine next and we ended up at Finger Lake instead and having to cut the Iditarod Headquarters out of our itinerary.  It wasn't a bad oops though because 1) we had to pass by the above ice cream shop and 2) it was GORGEOUS.

The next part of our plan was to go to the Palin's house, meet the Palin's and take them out to lunch/dinner.  The Palin's recently bought another house and moved to Arizona, but I had a feeling that they were back in Alaska.  Although we didn't get to meet them or go up to their house (they had a million "do not enter" and "no trespassing" signs with video cameras on the gate to their house), we did see their house from none other than the Best Western's dock. I went inside the hotel to get a map first and came out to my three fellow travelers staring at their house from the dock out back:


Lake Lucille was gorgeous.  Snow covered mountains to the right, Todd Palin's plane to the left.

The Palin houses

Then we had to stop for gas and touristy pictures:

...and we were on our way out of Wasilla to Hatcher Pass!

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