Thursday, December 13, 2012

Brief Update

I've been pretty busy since I got back into Bethel.  I'm trying to prepare for both the Saturday Market coming up this weekend in Bethel and the Holiday Bazaar in Hooper Bay.  I'm going to try to make it out to Hooper Bay on Saturday but won't know until the day before if I'm going really.  It depends on the weather.

Today I got my Alaska license- my first horizontal license!  It took me two tries, I went on Tuesday to take the written test but I failed it by getting two too many questions wrong.  I couldn't stop laughing.  Part of the problem was that there are different laws in Alaska than there are in Connecticut, especially regarding speed limits.  Some of them made no sense for here...but such is life living in the-middle-of-nowhere Alaska.

I've been playing "catch up" in the office, and now I'm getting ready to head out to Hooper Bay again!  I'm not sure if I'll end up going, it depends on the weather!  Right now the plan is to get there in the morning around 10, start setting up for the bazaar, hang out at the bazaar and take pictures/buy Christmas presents/interview people etc, and then run back to the plane that leaves around 5:30 or so. Someone from KYUK, the local radio station, will be coming out so I'll have a travel buddy this time.

I've never flown so much in my life.

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