Thursday, December 20, 2012

Email from the Director of VISTA

“Of all the points of light, VISTAs shine the brightest.” – President George H.W. Bush
I know that you care about VISTA, so I am sharing some of the stellar efforts of AmeriCorps VISTA members from across the country. There are so many remarkable VISTA projects that are creating avenues for individuals and families to overcome poverty.  
I am inspired by our AmeriCorps VISTA members every day. With nearly 50 million Americans – about 15% of the population – living at the poverty level, their service is important now more than ever. 
Recently, I've had a chance to see their work first hand. Like VISTAs helping communities rebuild after Hurricane Sandy, expanding afterschool programs with the Boys and Girl Club of Santa Monica, and increasing housing for veterans and their families through Habitat for Humanity International. Of course, there are too many great projects to name here!  
Here are highlights of our efforts to alleviate poverty across the country:
  • Last week, I met with NeighborWorks, a sponsor of 86 AmeriCorps VISTAs and seven Leaders in 28 states. NeighborWorks provides access to homeownership and to safe and affordable rental housing for low- and moderate-income families. AmeriCorps VISTAs have generated nearly $30 million in cash and in-kind resources and enabled NeighborWorks to serve almost 87,700 new clients.
  • In November and December, we welcomed 805 new AmeriCorps VISTAs and 50 new Leaders. Pre-Service Orientations for the new AmeriCorps VISTAs took place in Los Angeles, Boston, Atlanta, Dallas, and Lombard, IL.
  • Ray Magliozzi, VISTA alumnus and co-host of Car Talk, a radio show with 3.4 million weekly listeners aired on over 640 public radio stations, generously recorded two public service announcements to help us recruit new members. Listen here.
You are receiving this message because of your relationship to AmeriCorps VISTA. Our work is not done. We need your help.
Share the PSA, encourage someone in your life to join AmeriCorps VISTA, or tell someone you know about AmeriCorps. Share your VISTA story. We appreciate your support.
Warm wishes for this holiday season and the best for the New Year!
Yours in Service,

Mary StrasserDirector of AmeriCorps VISTA

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