Sunday, December 9, 2012

Walk to the Bering Sea

Today I decided to work on some things for a little bit and then take a walk down to the Bering Sea.  It was pretty warm and the weather really cleared up in the afternoon.  But since I'm here I figured I might as well just stay here and prepare for the Holiday Bazaar on Saturday.

The beach was frozen with drifts of snow and treasures scattered on top of it.  Lots of driftwood, starfish, and a few shells.

The sand dunes are also now covered in snow.  Lots of fun to climb over!

I sat on the edge of the frozen sea and watched all the action in the Bering Sea.  You could practically see ice starting to form on the surface, and chunks of ice floating aimlessly through the water would collide into each other and create larger chunks of ice.  I also saw a frozen jellyfish float by.

Beach-wear :)

There were starfish EVERYWHERE!

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