Sunday, December 9, 2012

Saturday: Talkeetna-Fairbanks

Saturday was the day of the Wilderness Woman Competition and Bachelor Auction in Talkeetna.  I had read about it in Peter Jenkins' book and decided that I had to go.

Before we got there, we had to make a stop in Wasilla (to fix one of the truck doors) and then another stop just outside of Wasilla to get food.

Somewhere between there and Talkeetna, we decided that going to Fairbanks would be a good idea. So our first stop in Talkeetna was to check out the free clothes place since we missed it the last time we came up.  I got another pair of snowpants.

The next stop before we got into downtown Talkeetna was the turnoff to see Denali.

We drove the rest of the way into Talkeetna where they were just starting to set up round one for the Wilderness Woman Competition.  I did not compete, but about 50 other women did.  The goal of round one is to run as fast as you can without ice cleats on (on an icy road) with two empty 5 gallon buckets for about 100 yards, and then pick up two full 5 gallon buckets and get back as fast as you can without spilling any water.  The top five fastest women proceeded to round 2.

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