Monday, December 17, 2012

Up the Richardson Highway...

After we left Talkeetna we drove up the Richardson Highway to Fairbanks.  There was another pull off on the highway to look at Mount McKinley, so we pulled off and took a picture quick.

That's pretty much the only picture I have on the ride up because I was driving and it was dark and we wanted to get there ASAP.  We got a hotel room, went to Walmart, and then tried to go to Chena Hot Springs but they were closing so they wouldn't let us in.  On our way there we saw an incredible aurora that was turning red at the edges.  It was spectacular.  Also, to show you just how cold it gets up there, we saw a jack-o-lantern ice sculpture at the hot springs.  As in, there had been an ice sculpture there made more than a month ago for Halloween and it was still intact.

Ryan took the picture below of me while we were at Chena.  It was around -35 degrees F when we were there (+/- 5 degrees), and starting from when it was -10 it was so cold that the condensation on the inside of the car would almost instantly turn to ice.  All the "smoke" is heat from my body and the truck.

We drove an hour back to the hotel and crashed.  I had to wake up a couple of times throughout the night to turn on the car and run it because it wasn't winterized so I couldn't plug it in.

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