Sunday, July 29, 2012

Church and Around Bethel

Walked to Mass this morning.  I think it would make an interesting analysis to go to different Catholic churches all over the country and analyze what the prayers of the faithful are.  Here, they are more focused on the poor, the hungry, and bringing in good (fish and hunting) harvests.  The peace be with you difference was even more so apparent today because there were more people.  People literally get out of the pews and move around.  It is noisy.  The priest(s) shake hands with most of the congragation.  Today I had someone tap me on my back so he could shake my hand.  I don't even know where he was sitting!  Another huge difference was that the Our Father was said in Yup'ik!  I'll have to learn the words. 

Here are some pictures from around Bethel that I took on my walk back:

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