Thursday, July 26, 2012

Herbal Healing

Today when I got home I got a call from my friend Anne who asked me if I wanted to go to an herbal healing class at the local farm (I said yes).

The class was really interesting because it taught you how to use plants you can find on the tundra to make teas and such for healing.  It turns out that chamomile grows wild here!

At the end of the class we did a directed meditation where the leader asked us to focus on what was ailing us (my hips, huge surprise), and then use our intuition to pick a base oil and then drops of essential oils.

First I picked callendula infused jojoba oil and added drops of lavender, birch, nerolina, and ravensare oil to it.  Our homework was to go home and see what each essential oil does.

Lavender:  calming and soothing
Birch: stimulates bone growth and heals decalcification and bones spurs
Nerolina:  digestive system tonic
Ravensare: releases tension and pain in muscles

Incase my intuition was off or my concoction doesn't work, Anne is a physical therapist so I have her for backup.

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