Thursday, July 26, 2012

How Big is Alaska?

I think this will be a new reacurring segment.  It's hard to understand how big Alaska is since they always shrink it on maps, so I will try to put it into relatable sizes.  In another post I mentioned that the area that I'm serving in is the size of Illinois (some say it's more like the size of Oregon).

Here's one that I think is easier to comprehend:

Distance between Bethel and Anchorage: 403.1 miles

Distance between Hartford and Washington DC:  348.1 miles

Now to pretend that you were living in Bethel (instead of the Hartford area) and to understand how remote it is, you'd have to pretend that Washington DC had the next closest hospital, as well as the closest Wal-Mart, Costco, REI, Best Buy, etc to you.


  1. Loved this post. It helps me understand how far you are from civilization, I am not sure how I would handle 400 miles between myself and Costco samples.

    1. Luckily visiting Alaskans usually involves a lot of food sampling! People are always sharing food. A lot of it is usually salmon based right now though because people are in and out of fish camps :)
