Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Celebrity Sitting

I'm supposed to be living in a dorm room for my year of service, but the dorm is currently going under renovations so they thought I'd be more comfortable if I wasn't there.  I lived with my supervisor for a while, and then I got asked to house and dogsit for a local professor.  The professor and dogs went viral last year during the Occupy Wallstreet protests. 

The dogs are all adopted rescues.  The black one (Seabiscuit) acts more like a cat than a dog.  The big one is Ruffian and is the son of sleddogs.  The grey schnauzer is Snickers and is my best friend.  He feels more like an expensive teddy bear than a dog.

A guy from Anchorage is also staying here but I don't see him much.  They thought it would be good for me to stay with people my age so I can get to know more people in the area.  Knowing people here makes or breaks you:  if you know people and build strong relationships you have a chance of retaining your sanity and surviving.  Everyone helps everyone.  If you don't get to know people, you are le screwed. 

I can't really say anything bad about him because he made me coffee yesterday morning and last night made me dinner (see "Thanks for All the Fish").

Last night I took the hounds for a walk around the neighborhood, and honestly having to take care of dogs is making the transition a million times better.  I hung around for a little bit and then someone who works next door to me picked me up and brought me to one of the softball games.  A  lot of people my age play softball in a local league, so it was a good place to meet some people.

The view from behind the softball fields

Today I need to get some stuff done in the office, then I need to go do some things around town for my project.  I'm also going to try and stop by my supervisors house to borrow a pair of boots so I can go walking through the tundra.  The tundra is very wet and swampy so you need tall boots and lots of bug dope.

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