Wednesday, July 18, 2012

PSO Day 2

Today was focused on discussing poverty.  It was kind of depressing, but luckily being a Sociology major I'm used to discussing depressing topics on a regular basis :)  We had to discuss how poverty starts, what causes poverty, what are some stereotypes about people living in poverty, etc etc. 

It's nice to be around so many driven and diverse people.  There are over 100 of us here, which is more than I thought there'd be.  I kind of feel like an outsider because most of the people are from the Midwest and are serving somewhere in the Midwest, but everyone is super friendly.

Right now we are getting ready for dinner and trying to figure out something Chicago-ish to do.  We're all getting a little stir crazy staying in the hotel all day!  Luckily a lot of people here have been to Chicago before, so they know how to get to places around the city.  I just want to see some of the downtown and eat some deep dish pizza!!!

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