Sunday, July 29, 2012

Gutting my First Fish

If you're friends with me on facebook, you got an early preview of this story.

Previously I had posted a picture of a "free fish" sign.  Today I gutted two of those fish.  When counting fish, sometimes the Fish and Game guys net some and then put them into giant coolers with signs that say "free fish" on them.

I went to a quilting retreat (again) today and finished the body of my bag and talked to some more people about my project ("networking").  A member of the Kuskokwim Quilters group from the Virgin Islands took me under her wing and helped me with my machine sewing...AND she's left handed.  But I digress, this is a story about fish.

Another one of the members offered me a ride home.  As we pulled down the street that I live on, we saw another member getting fish out of the huge cooler and when she saw us she waved us over.  The person driving me home picked up two fish, and asked me if I had ever gutted a fish before.  I said no, and she told me how to do it and that I should really come back and pick up a couple of fish.

Five minutes later she was knocking on my door with two chum salmon in a box.  There were a lot of people picking up fish and she didn't want me to miss out.

With her verbal instructions, an article, and my Alaskan roommate's guidance, I gutted, steaked and filleted my first salmon.  I made salmon steaks for dinner (with balsamic vinegar, olive oil, and an herb mix) and they came out pretty good!

box o' fish

Fish #1

gutted and sliced. traditional Yup'ik Eskimo Ulu knife in the bottom left hand corner

Tada!  Salmon steaks

Hoping to go picking salmonberries, blueberries and chamomile tomorrow!