Friday, July 20, 2012

Hurry Up- Then Wait

I was one of the last people to leave  PSO today, and killed time by walking with someone to the blue line.  I then went on a 40 minute tour of Rosemont (i.e. I went the wrong way and got a little lost), and somehow managed to find myself in front of the restaurant we went to last night instead of the hotel.  I should have stopped in to get another ice cream cupcake!

After I rushed to print out my boarding pass and take the shuttle to O'Hare, I found out that my flight was delayed an hour.  I drank my (probably) last cafe mocha from Starbucks for a while and have been people watching.  There's a baby that is going to be on the flight and most of the people at the gate have stopped by at least once to play with her.

In the 40 minutes before my plane boards, I'm trying to look at things online to make me feel less bad about paying $6.95 to connect to the internet.  One of my fellow VISTA's sent me this link:  20 Reasons Why It's Cool to Work in Alaska

I'm still a little nervous, but my "VISTA family" has been very supportive of "Alaska Girl".  I talked with two of the trianing facilliators who told me more about Bethel and Alaska.  I'm so lucky to have such a great support system.

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